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Discover Growth Driven Design

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by Mathilde Vanelsacker
12 min
Did you know that a prospect has already gone through 70% of the sales process before contacting sales ? Your website is the first source of information when a prospect searches for information.
Welcome to Koho Collective, where we believe in not only designing growth-driven design websites but also in driving growth. As a HubSpot partner, we understand the power of Growth-Driven Design (GDD) and how it can be a game-changer for your business.

What is growth-driven design?


In a constantly evolving environment, a static website is no longer enough. Growth Driven Design is a strategy that focuses on continuous optimisation and growth of your website.
Your website is your biggest marketing asset. It is the first place people go to find more information about you. Unfortunately, websites are often neglected after launch. Often because the cost is too high for a large-scale update.
The end result is also often different than expected or the project takes longer than planned. Companies also still often think that launching a new website will ensure better results. But nothing could be further from the truth. Traditional web development will cost you a lot of money and energy, but the return is limited. In other words, you need a website that you can easily adapt to new trends, user behavior and customer needs. Step by step optimisation.
Does this sound familiar?
Is your company focused on getting results? Then we know that GDD approach is the key to sustainable success.

Difference between traditional website development and growth-driven design.


With traditional website design, a website is not updated for an average of 1.5 to 2 years.In other words, your most important marketing tool and best seller, your website, is unchanged for years....
This is not really conducive to maximum online performance of your website.
There may be a few minor updates or improvements, such as adding blogs or landing pages to the site, but the vast majority of the website is not updated. (See Figure 1).
GGD vs Traditional web design
A smarter way to tackle your website design is Growth Driven Design. In this method, we use 3 phases.

Three phases of growth driven design


In the first phase, we do a thorough analysis of the existing website, statistics, market conditions, SEO performance, buyer personas, and the buyer journey. Furthermore, we will jointly define what the objectives are, identify conversion opportunities, and establish a wish list for the new website.


In this phase, we create and develop together a "launchpad" website, that is, an initial live version of your new site. Here the focus is on the essentials of making sure your website functions optimally in a way that is relevant to your target audience. The main goal is to achieve maximum impact with minimum effort.

3.Development and continuous optimisation

In this third phase, launchpad website is operational. In the GDD method, it is important to be constantly engaged in data collection. Data is collected from A/B testing, heatmaps, click tracking and traffic analytics to continuously adjust and optimize the website.
Some key elements from this phase are;
  • Improvements to conversion paths
  • Landing pages
  • Navigation structure
  • Design elements and content
Because your data about your visitors is tracked, this helps both marketing with targeted campaigns and sales with the right sales strategies.
In this phase, the focus is on providing the best possible user experience for your website visitors.

The main advantages of GGD

  • The cost is much lower compared to traditional development
  • Launching your website takes less time
  • The website is built based on your business goals
  • Generate more leads and sales
  • Website is focused on user experience (through data and information)
  • There is continuous optimization based on data
  • It supports both the marketing and sales team

How HubSpot supports your Growth-Driven Design strategy

At Koho Collective, we believe that a website should be data-based, thanks to the power of Growth-Driven Design. HubSpot plays a crucial role in facilitating this strategy. Not only does HubSpot CMS allow you to effortlessly create landing pages, blogs and call-to-action buttons, but it also offers an array of features specifically designed to support Growth-Driven Design.

Key features of HubSpot for Growth-Driven Design:

  1. Insights: Understand your visitors better by seeing how they use your website. HubSpot provides insights into visitor behavior, allowing you to make informed decisions for continuous improvements.
  2. Personalisation: Personalise the website for both existing and new visitors. Create attractive forms and customize content, making visitors fill them out faster.
  3. A/B Testing: HubSpot also offers the ability to run A/B tests, allowing you to evaluate the effectiveness of different approaches.
  4. Automation Tools: Use automation tools to make it easy for visitors to return to your website. Create a seamless experience for your audience.
  5. Contact Lists: Unite sales and marketing teams with the same contact list, promoting an integrated approach.
  6. Conversion analysis: Learn which pages contribute to conversions directly from HubSpot, without the need to switch to external tools like Google Analytics.
  7. Integrated chat: Improve customer service with integrated chat on your website, providing even better service to visitors.


At Koho Collective, we use HubSpot as a powerful engine for growth, not only increasing efficiency but also opening the door to sustainable growth. Interested in learning more about how Koho Collective is your ideal partner to get started with growth-driven design? Talk to an expert.
HubSpot Gold Partner



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