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More deals, less friction with Sales Hub

With HubSpot Sales Hub, you work as sales from one system. Efficiency and user-friendliness are central, allowing you to focus on what really matters: building relationships with your prospects and customers.


A 360° view of your customer

No more different tools with information about a lead. Insights from marketing, customer service, and sales all in one system.

Less administration, better communication

HubSpot emphasises user-friendliness and automation, reducing time spent on administration, allowing sales to focus on communication.
What is HubSpot CRM?

Why salespeople choose Sales Hub?

Automating tasks


Automate tasks with workflows. Send emails faster with HubSpot templates and snippets.


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Clear visibility into priorities


In HubSpot, you get a clear overview of priorities. HubSpot ensures that no warm lead is lost.


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Much more user-friendly


User-friendly interface that is more than just a management reporting tool. Sales Hub is really there to help sales.


And some key features

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Deal pipeline


Manage your deals in a clear and structured overview. Together with you, we align this with your process


Templates & snippets


Avoid repetitive tasks and create better communication with email templates and communication snippets.


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Sales automatisation


Automate sales with HubSpot sequences and workflows.


Meeting planner


Scheduling meetings without back-and-forth emails to find a date. Let leads schedule something in your calendar.


Email tracking


Log emails and see who opens your emails so you know which lead should be your priority.



+100 apps and tools


Integrate with tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Pandadoc, Outlook, and Slack. Manage your entire day from HubSpot.


Take action

How can we assist you?


We assist you in successfully implementing and optimizing, from setting up integrations to training your team. Whether you've already started with HubSpot or are considering taking the leap, we've got you covered.



Is HubSpot Sales Suite suitable for you?

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